Welcome to I Took The Time Jewelry, the online Gallery showcasing Handmade jewelry and other items from the Volunteers who serve the small business & economic development charities of the 501c Business Incubator Council. They also make the jewelry pieces for the official charitable fundraiser, ThriftStore Finds.
ThriftStore Finds is an online auction and raffle site whose proceeds help support its Founders charitable work connecting 501c Startups, Entrepreneurs and Tax-Exempt Small Businesses to the business assets and other resource needs they are unable to secure directly. The series of charities also provides supports for whatever other operational and training needs they have. Handmade jewelry is paired with scarves & handbags purchased from thrift stores and offered as a single auction or raffle package.
There has been so much interest in the jewelry featured on the auction site and other handmade items off site, such as Fingerweaving done with Leather or Suede lacing it was decided to publish some of them.
Orders are welcome. They’ll be treated as custom request as there is no inventory available for sale, so orders should refer to on an item(s) on the website.
What’s published here are Samples of their work and Each are examples of the uniqueness of each Volunteer brings.
These images are being shared for those who might be interested having a custom piece or set of pieces made for them.

Gemstones, metals, wire, leather, suede and other raw materials as well as the finishes and findings normally used/ordered for the online auction will be available.
Orders for Gemstones not normally used must be considered special and fulfilled on a case by case basis.
Meantime, you’ll have a wide array of gemstones, cording, finishing & colors to choose from.
Each piece is individual and individually hand made, even the sets are typically unplanned. So unless for a particular thrift store auction package, raffle, items or gift request, sets are rarely made at the time and often just present themselves as a pair or mix-n-match ensemble.
These pieces are finished and complete but are supposed to look carefully made, not professionally made or certainly store manufactured, the name “I took the time” was intentional.
Jewelry Pieces
Jewelry is made from several types of gemstones including lapis, black and peacock pearls, garnet, and several variations of each gemstone type itself. High quality polished wood, metal bead is also used.
Jewelry pieces are put together using leather cord, thread, and lacing in all ranges of width, color, thickness and texture, silk thread of varying colors and thicknesses, commercial stretch cord in in all ranges of width, color, thickness as well as wire of varying types gauge ranges which is what determines its firmness and thickness.
Recrafted Recreations
There’s also an special eye given to broken pieces such as the brown choker above.
On occasion broken gemstone, beaded, and metal jewelry is gifted to the Charity or our Volunteer Jewelry makers not to repair but to use as modified creations. Those items are either repurposed in/into a design similar to its original one or they are re-envisioned into one or more pieces whose look is entirely different from the original design that was received.
There is no strategy or process to it, they let the piece speak for itself and that’s how the recreated idea materializes.
Leather Cord & Lace Fingerweaving | Leather or Suede Lacing Macramé
Most everyone has seen something that has been macramé, but many are unfamiliar with the Native American Fingerweaving. Though traditionally done using yarn, this Artisan did a great deal of looming was done by one designer as a child who endlessly made to make pouches. clutch bags, wallets, jewelry, ties, belts, and other goods in leather and suede which became the pallet of choice. We’ve even made leather & lace doilies, placemats, wall hangings, and other items all totally unique to that designers sense of style.
As such, all the Fingerweaving done by this Creator is done in Leather cording, Leather Lacing, waxed leather thread, Suede Lacing or some combination making these exceptionally pieces beautiful and totally unique to her. They’ve been given as gifts, for special occasions even as an Appreciation Award.
Whether Fingerweaved or macramé, templates will often be created in yarn first so there is a visual to work from, then the actual piece will be crafted in whatever leather or combination of leather lacings, colors, thicknesses is felt would look/feel best.
From the Volunteers who make the Handmade Jewelry pieces and sets for online auction and raffles our http://ThriftStoreFinds.Auction is in a temporary new home and is being updated, we hope to go live soon. For a sneak peak, visit: https://LIVE.ThriftStoreFinds.Auction
Thank so much for visiting.

We hope you like our pieces. Just click the image and our Brochure will auto download. Its set up as a PowerPoint Slid that can auto run or move thru slide-by-slide manually.
We’ve also included two Order Forms, one Excel and the other PDF — both are fillable and auto-calculate for your convenience. Remember we use all raw materials, the bottles are donated or collected from myriad sources, cleaned and repurposed as ornamentals displays.
Thanks for supporting our work! Come back and see us again.